Tuesday, July 31, 2007


BE SHANGHAI??????????

Click on the image to see more clearly

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Life in Mumbai - A Race against time !!!!!

Life in Mumbai
A normal day for an average Mumbai-ite starts with worrying about the fact that would he/she get a decent inch space to park his/her foot aboard the heavily-packed local train (if at all the pic above is any depiction of the fact)
Life in Mumbai is very mechanical and sometimes you realise as if you are on a conveyor belt and things are just moving by... pre-programed.
I think to myself... "Hey am bored to go to office today.... I better stay back at home" but you know most of the time the venue of the occurance of this thought is the jam-packed morning local train... so you can imagine... the thought it useless...
It is a race against time here in Mumbai and the one who can conquer this to me is the real genius... I wonder when to people get time to think... new ideas... new concepts... new businesses... but nonetheless....Mumbai has given a lot to everyone... Thank you Mumbai for whatever you gave us... its our time to repay....
PS: am back from a long long lay-off.... hope to be more frequent from here on....